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How To Find Fixed Cost: Demystifying Fixed Costs

In This Blog, You Learn How To Find Fixed Cost and Identify, Calculate, and Differentiate Fixed Costs from Variable Costs for Better Financial Management.

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Team CrossVal

Published on 16 Aug 2023

How to find fixed cost

Fixed costs are an essential aspect of running a business. They are the expenses that remain constant regardless of the level of production or sales. Understanding fixed costs is crucial for financial planning and decision-making. In this article, we will demystify fixed costs, learn how to find fixed cost, provide a comprehensive list of all fixed costs in a typical business, explain the formula for calculating fixed costs, and differentiate between fixed costs and variable costs.

Introduction to Fixed Costs

Fixed costs are the expenses that businesses incur regardless of their production or sales volume. These costs remain constant over a specific period and do not fluctuate with changes in activity levels. Unlike variable costs, which vary based on production or sales volume, fixed costs are stable and predictable.

Identifying fixed costs is essential for effective financial management. By understanding these costs, businesses can accurately calculate their breakeven point, plan their budgets, and make informed decisions regarding pricing, production, and expansion.

How to how to find fixed cost in Your Business

Identifying fixed costs in your business is a crucial step towards understanding your financial obligations. To identify fixed costs, start by reviewing your financial records and categorizing expenses into fixed and variable costs.

  1. Review Your Expense Categories: Create a list of expense categories such as rent, salaries, insurance, utilities, and depreciation. These are common fixed cost categories for many businesses.
  2. Analyze Historical Data: Examine your financial statements and records from previous months or years. Look for expenses that remain constant regardless of your business’s production or sales volume. These are likely to be fixed costs.
  3. Consult with Accountants or Financial Professionals: If you are unsure about identifying fixed costs, consider consulting with accountants or financial professionals. They can provide valuable insights and help you accurately categorize expenses.

By following these steps, you can identify the fixed costs specific to your business and gain a clear understanding of your financial obligations.

List of All Fixed Costs in a Typical Business

Fixed costs can vary depending on the nature and size of the business. However, there are common fixed costs that most businesses incur. Here is a comprehensive list of fixed costs in a typical business:

  1. Rent: The cost of leasing or renting office space, warehouses, or retail locations.
  2. Salaries and Wages: The amount paid to employees on a regular basis, regardless of the level of productivity.
  3. Utilities: Expenses related to electricity, water, gas, and other utility services required for daily operations.
  4. Insurance Premiums: Payments made to insurance companies to cover various types of insurance, such as property insurance and liability insurance.
  5. Depreciation: The decrease in the value of assets over time, which is allocated as an expense in the financial statements.
  6. Property Taxes: Taxes imposed on the value of real estate or property owned by the business.
  7. Software Licenses: Costs associated with purchasing and maintaining software licenses for business operations.
  8. Lease Payments: Regular payments made for leasing equipment, vehicles, or machinery.
  9. Professional Fees: Payments made to lawyers, accountants, consultants, or other professionals for their services.
  10. Advertising and Marketing: Expenses related to promoting the business, including advertising campaigns, marketing materials, and online advertising.

This list provides a general overview of common fixed costs, but it is important to note that each business may have additional fixed costs specific to its industry and operations.

Formula for Calculating Fixed Costs

Calculating fixed costs is essential for determining the breakeven point and understanding the financial health of your business. The formula for calculating fixed costs is straightforward:

Fixed Costs = Total Expenses - Total Variable Costs

To calculate fixed costs, start by determining your total expenses and total variable costs. Subtracting the total variable costs from the total expenses will give you the fixed costs.

For example, if your total expenses for a specific period are $50,000 and your total variable costs are $20,000, your fixed costs would be:

Fixed Costs = $50,000 - $20,000 = $30,000

By using this formula, you can accurately determine your fixed costs and make informed financial decisions.

Understanding Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs

Differentiating between fixed costs and variable costs is crucial for effective financial management. While fixed costs remain constant regardless of the production or sales volume, variable costs fluctuate based on the level of activity. Understanding the differences between these cost categories is essential for budgeting, pricing, and decision-making.

Fixed costs:

  • Remain constant over a specific period.
  • Include expenses such as rent, salaries, insurance, and utilities.
  • Do not change with changes in production or sales volume.
  • Are essential for determining the breakeven point and planning budgets.

Variable costs:

  • Vary based on production or sales volume.
  • Include expenses such as direct materials, direct labour, and sales commissions.
  • Increase or decrease with changes in activity levels.
  • Influence the cost per unit of production or sales.

By understanding the distinctions between fixed costs and variable costs, businesses can effectively manage their expenses and optimize their financial performance.


Understanding fixed costs is essential for running a successful business. By knowing how to how to find fixed cost, creating a comprehensive list of fixed costs, calculating them accurately, and differentiating them from variable costs, you can make informed financial decisions and plan your budget effectively.

Take the time to review your financial records, consult with professionals if needed, and use the formula provided to calculate your fixed costs accurately. By demystifying fixed costs, you will gain valuable insights into your financial obligations and pave the way for financial stability and growth in your business.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of fixed costs, put your knowledge into action and take control of your business’s financial future.


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